Ed Lehming Photography


“We all find ourselves reaching for something lately. For some, we have reached our limits, for others, it’s more of a stretch than a reach. On dull and cloudy days, the trees continue to reach, with no clear goal visible, other that reaching upwards, to eventual light and life” – Ed Lehming I have found myself considering this image several times this week. I recall the day I made it, very clearly…. Read More

“There is no mundane dimension really, if you have the eyes to see it, it is all transcendental.” ― Terence McKenna The view from my back window yesterday afternoon, as the birds returned for a feed. I posted several images of other local birds in late December and the simple chickadees, who are frequent visitors, were omitted. I began questioning myself on that. Why was I ‘editing’ what I shared? Is the humble chickadee less… Read More

“You don’t make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved.” ― Ansel Adams Yes, I know, “What an original title”. Yet, I’m often stuck for a title and am loath to fall to such tactics as “Unnamed #314”. Every image I make leaves an impression… Read More

“I am a forest, and a night of dark trees: but he who is not afraid of my darkness, will find banks full of roses under my cypresses.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche As I was reviewing my photos from the past few weeks, I kept glancing at this one, which at first seemed a bit dark for me. When I opened the thumbnail and looked closer it brought me back to the moment when… Read More

“Goodness is about character — integrity, honesty, kindness, generosity, moral courage and the like. More than anything else, it is about how we treat other people.” – Dennis Prager I’m cheating a bit today, as this is a photo I made three years ago from the window of my car as I drove to work one morning. The tree in the foreground is on my wife’s home farm. When I was commuting to work, I… Read More

“Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad.” ― Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Two views of the same flower, a week apart. Sometimes, I keep the flowers I photograph a bit too long but it was interesting for me to compare the two images. It also reminded me how gradually things can change without you really noticing… Read More

“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.” ― John Lubbock After perhaps the hottest day of the summer, and the date of my oldest daughter’s engagement party, the air shifted. Forecasts had predicted severe thunderstorms and torrential downpours, which… Read More

“As the soft spring sun begins to set, an ethereal light strikes the trees and boulders on the far shore, setting them ablaze in gold. The dark, cold, meltwater rushes by in a mad dash through ancient rocks. Intent on the calm of the lake below, where they foam and swirl, momentarily, then merge with the now still waters that preceded them. The day ends, in peace, and light, and water.” – Ed Lehming… Read More

“All thoughts, secret or spoken, belong in a coffee table book written in Braille, so you can really feel the emotions.” ― Jarod Kintz I decided to start into this forum with my standard quote style. I find looking up suitable quotes to match my photos makes me think about the photo and the emotions it invokes in me and thus, enhances the image. And, I added a photo above of a local… Read More

“When photographers get beyond copying the achievements of others, or just repeating their own accidental first successes, they learn that they do not know where in the world they will find pictures. Nobody does. Each photograph that works is a revelation to its supposed creator.” – Robert Adams As the above quote articulates so nicely, I never know where a photograph may be waiting. All too often an image reveals itself and I don’t… Read More

While winter has been slow to arrive in southern Ontario this year (we’re in fog and rain right now), that was not the case last year. The image above was made last winter on Ahmik Lake, near Parry Sound, Ontario. It had snowed gently most of the night, partially obscuring the tracks of others and was quite cold, but the day quickly brightened up. At the top left of this image is… Read More

I wish I could paint. There are so many scenes that I see on a regular basis and say to myself, “That would make a beautiful painting”. Especially if the light is just a bit off and I envision the image a bit different. That was the case with this photo I made a few days ago. All the elements were just right, the light was soft from the west and a… Read More