Ed Lehming Photography


“Sometimes the waters of our spirits are churned and murky, and it is difficult to tap the reservoirs of our innate wisdom and knowledge. But the waters will settle as we do. Quietly and gently encourage yourself to go inside. Clarity will come.” ― Sue Patton Thoele If we were having coffee…I’d tell you this week had some major ups and some major downs. On the up side, one of my photos,… Read More

“All thoughts, secret or spoken, belong in a coffee table book written in Braille, so you can really feel the emotions.” ― Jarod Kintz I decided to start into this forum with my standard quote style. I find looking up suitable quotes to match my photos makes me think about the photo and the emotions it invokes in me and thus, enhances the image. And, I added a photo above of a local… Read More