Ed Lehming Photography


“Just around the corner, just out of sight, wonders present themselves, but you have to have the courage to look beyond what appear as barriers, always anticipating something wonderful.” – Ed Lehming That was the feeling the day I made this photo. This stretch of beach was just beyond an outcropping of rock. The tide was on its way in, and every second wave raised the water level. But I just had… Read More

“Bounded by ancient stone and lush green brush, the sea ebbs and flows in a timeless rhythm, advancing forward and drawing the land into itself.” – Ed Lehming On the Pacific coast, just below the town of Aliva Beach is a public access spot called Avila Sea Caves. The parking area is just behind where this image was made. The draw of this place is primarily Smuggler’s cave, a large sea cave… Read More

“How I see things, it’s important to me, often it’s a struggle to communicate that.” – Ed Lehming On a recent trip to California’s Central Coast, we stayed a night in Avila Beach, a small and quiet beach community. It’s very picturesque and has an interesting history, which I may touch on in a future post. The purpose of this post, is to share how I have been using AI tools, for… Read More